Dealing with death – The Jewish Grandparents Network

Jewish Grandparents Network

Death is a part of life. It happens to our plants and to our pets and, of course, to our loved ones. Talking about death is often difficult, so we avoid it. Our liturgy has some beautiful ways to think about our life and the passing of our loved ones, for example in Yizkor, the memorial service for the dead. And our tradition prepares us for this conversation every year on the High Holidays as we wish each other, “May you be inscribed and sealed in the Book of Life.”

Join us as we discuss ways to have developmentally appropriate conversations with children of all ages about preparing for a loved one’s long-term illness or the dying and death of any living being we care about.

Tuesday, September 12
7:00-8:00pm Eastern

Register here:

We will include:
- How to talk with grandchildren about the death of a grandparent or great-grandparent
- The role of our adult children in the conversation

- Meaningful ways to visit a cemetery with grandchildren

We invite you to share your questions in advance. Please submit to Terry Kaye, by August 14, 2023.

Rabbi Melanie Levav is the Executive Director of the Shomer Collective whose mission is to improve end-of-life experiences for individuals and their families.
Shomer Collective envisions a world where we speak about end-of-life matters openly and frequently, creating opportunities to engage with Jewish wisdom, values, and practices. These conversations and experiences can be transformational, having an impact not only on the person who is dying but on the whole family and community.


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