Blumberg, Sharon
I'm Not Done Yet co.
Stage: Looking at options / planning
I'm Not Done Yet co. is a company I founded many years ago; when I turned the age my mother was when she died. I do this work to honor both her and sister who died too young.
I'm Not Done Yet co. is a coaching and training organization that supports women going through either of these two transitions:
1. Women who want to transition into a continued life of relevance, resilience and remarkableness into and beyond ‘retirement'. I live in this demographic and I speak from experience, understanding and credentials. I have created programs for organizations that understand the benefit and ROI: and I have worked with individuals who are curious about their continued engagement by leveraging their skills, talents and interests within their communities. These are the individuals who are not done yet!
2. Women who want to reclaim their confidence, clarity, commitment and clarity in their worlds of work and life. They have been working for approximately more than 10 years and seek a refreshed and flexible perspective and approach. For example, women who seek that promotion, to have their voices heard, to find ways to be of service beyond work, to start that business, or re-enter the workforce after family leave/caregiving.
There is no age limit for engagement, curiosity and flourishing. Our longevity should not be determined by outdated societal/corporate norms, or internalized age bias. Isn’t longevity life with purpose? Isn’t it time that YOU have agency over your life?
i’m Not Done Yet co facilitates ways for you to create agency over your life; by using evidence-based tools and proprietary strategies.
I work primarily with women to help them navigate and reframe transitions in life and work.
Contact: (704) 999-6252 and