Active Aging Organizations and Leadership
Developing programming or looking for assistance to help you get started in active aging? We’re here for you! Browse our directory below.
Berger, Arielle
University of Toronto, Department of Medicine
Stage: Looking at options / planning
Geriatrician MD working with older adults to optimize health and wellbeing.
Rabbi-in-training with a focus on developing programming to support the spiritual wellbeing of older adults in the Jewish community
Contact: (647) 515-0093 and
Blumberg, Sharon
I'm Not Done Yet co.
Stage: Looking at options / planning
I'm Not Done Yet co. is a company I founded many years ago; when I turned the age my mother was when she died. I do this work to honor both her and sister who died too young.
I'm Not Done Yet co. is a coaching and training organization that supports women going through either of two transitions.
There is no age limit for engagement, curiosity and flourishing. Our longevity should not be determined by outdated societal/corporate norms, or internalized age bias. Isn’t longevity life with purpose? Isn’t it time that YOU have agency over your life?
i’m Not Done Yet co facilitates ways for you to create agency over your life; by using evidence-based tools and proprietary strategies.
Contact: (704) 999-6252 and
Solkin, Mindy
BB Babes, The Fashion, Fitness, and Health Network for Baby Boomer Women
Stage: Active Aging activities in place
BB Babes is a tribute to women who were born between 1946 and 1964, and who want to look and feel their best at every age. We offer services in Fashion Styling, Fitness Classes, and Health Coaching, both in-person and virtually, for groups and individuals.
Our goal is to shine light on the generation of baby boomer women to empower them to embrace their unique style and to lead healthy, active lives.
For more info:
Contact: (917) 523-9297 and
Ganger, Diana
Stage: Active Aging activities in place
Ideal18 is at the intersection of educational and intergenerational initiatives. It develops fellowships for intergenerational learning and activism through a Jewish lens.
Contact: (630) 390-8229 and
Citron, Dvora
Stage: Active Aging activities in place is the home base for my blog on living a healthy lifestyle and active aging, in addition to my health coaching practice, specializing in plant-based nutrition and lifestyle medicine. I am a Jewish grandmother with three granddaughters!
Contact: (510) 541-9918 and
Greenwald, Anita
Anita Greenwald, LLC - Health Coach for Aging Awesome
Stage: Active Aging activities in place
I am a Health Coach and Yoga Teacher and I work with people age 50+ to help them reach their health goals. Goals may include weight loss, brain health, sugar detox, cardiovascular health, disease prevention, stress reduction, and more. My clients get individualized tips based on their needs for food on the plate, and healthy choices for 'off' the plate. Check out my website for more information!
Contact: (914) 391-7042 and
Geber, Sara Zeff
Stage: Active Aging activities in place
I wrote the key resource for Solo Aging, Essential Retirement Planning for Solo Agers. Raising awareness about Solo Aging is my passion and my mission. I speak at conferences and senior living communities, senior centers, etc. I offer workshops for Solo Agers, and I consult with organizations interested in better understanding their solo residents, members, community members, and prospects.
Contact: (408) 355-0101 &
Marcus, Michael
Generations United
Stage: Looking at options / planning
Michael is a founder and a past board member of Grantmakers in Aging, as well as a former board member of the American Society on Aging. He currently serves on the boards of Generations United, Generations on Line, Citizens Planning and Housing Association, and the Mount Royal Improvement Association, as a member of the Baltimore Commission on Aging, and on the Board of Overcoming Poverty Together, an international microfinance organization working primarily in Indonesia, among many other boards and public commissions.
Contact: (847) 571-1802 &
Spence, Helen Hirsh
Top Sixty Over Sixty
Stage: Active Aging activities in place
Following a formal career as an educator in senior leadership roles I founded Top Sixty Over Sixty because I recognized the impact that ageism was having on individuals, society and our economy. Having witnessed how internalized ageism was limiting friends and colleagues' self-image and beliefs, I created programs: to help overcome self-directed ageism; transition with purpose to next stage of life; shift stages with an entrepreneurial mindset. All are based in research and offered virtually or in person in supportive, learning groupings. As a niche age positive consultancy, we work with organizations and businesses to promote age inclusivity in their diversity initiatives. Visit
Contact: (613) 864-2220 &
Emerick, Lori
Aspen Group Consulting - Retirement Lifestyle Design Coaching
Stage: Looking at options / planning
The R3 experience is a customized and high-touch program for professionals at the crossroads of a remarkable career and the transition to a joy-filled retirement lifestyle. Discover What Awaits You Led by Certified Professional Retirement Lifestyle Design Coaches • Embark on a guided journey with insightful, empathetic and supportive peers. • Unlock deeper dimensions of self-awareness through a personalized Retirement Intelligence (RQ) Assessment. • Participate in five immersive virtual labs. • Gain personalized insights through four individual coaching sessions. • Emerge with a blueprint illuminating “What’s Next” for you. In addition to this cohort experience, I offer 1:1 coaching for professionals at the crossroads of a remarkable career and the transition to a joy-filled retirement lifestyle.
Contact: (503) 830-6902 &
Elkodsi, Susan
Malverne Jewish Center
Stage: Active Aging activities in place
I'm the rabbi of a tiny synagogue, average age 80. I want to offer meaningful programming, create community and also promote my own work helping baby boomers and older Jewish adults create meaning and purpose in their lives in a Jewish context.
Contact: (203) 332-4428 &
Nemzoff, Ruth
Resident Scholar Brandeis women’s studies research center
Stage: Active Aging activities in place
Advisory Board Jewish Grandparents Network, 18Doors:Unlocking Jewish, and Hadassah Brandeis Institute. frequent speaker on Intergenerationalrelationships.
Contact: (617) 947-2222 &
Werley, Betsy
Encore Network, American Society on Aging Legacy Corps
Stage: Active Aging activities in place
I led The Transition Network (a nonprofit supporting women 50+ in exploring what's next in their personal and professional lives from 2005 to 2013. Next, I led the Encore Network, a coalition of organizations and leaders transforming the "encore" stage of life. Those experiences taught me about best practices to engage active agers in community and volunteering, as well as who's doing what around the US and globally.
Contact: (917) 655-2353 &
Gerhardt, Ailene
Independent Board Certified Patient Advocate, Certified Senior Advisor, Solo Aging Educator
Beacon Patient Solutions LLC & Navigating Solo Network
Stage: Looking at options / planning
I am a former Jewish Communal professional now independent patient advocate who offers an array of community education programs and groups ranging from navigating the health care system, patient safety and patient's rights, the unique needs of solo aging, planning for solo aging and more. You can view the list here I have partnered with synagogues and Jewish organizations and am interested in ways to connect with organizations to further the reach of my work! As my advocacy practice has evolved, I have developed a specialty working with solo agers (an adult 55+ who, because of choice or circumstance, are without the support of adult children or close family members). In the fall of 2021, I launched the Navigating Solo Network: The Path to Dynamic Solo Aging Starts Here™ ( which includes a national website, a growing network of members, and an online clearinghouse featuring resources specifically for Solo Agers.
Contact: & & (617) 651-2140
Geber, Sara Zeff
Stage: Active Aging activities in place
I lead discussion and planning groups on Solo Aging. The groups can be synagogue based, JCC-based, Village-based, or general community-based. I define Solo Agers as anyone, married or single, who has no adult children AND those who are aging alone for other reasons without the support of nearby family. Among baby boomers, the percentage of Solo Agers is more than double what it has been for all previous generations. Planning for support and care in later life is necessary for all of us, but critical for Solo Agers.
Mintz, Sue
Stage: Active Aging activities in place
As a Certified Retirement Transition Coach, writer, workshop facilitator, and speaker, I offer individuals who are recently retired or plan to retire with 12 months a framework to follow when planning for the non-financial aspects of retirement. I do not offer financial advice. My clients will see retirement for what it truly is by going through a proven process that leads them to establish a variety of ways to remain healthy and active, and feel a sense of purpose and continuous fulfillment in this new phase of life.
Kaufman, Nancy K
NKK Strategic Consulting and NY Jewish Agenda (board chair)
Stage: Looking at options / planning
I am an advocate for "active aging" and a consultant on strategy for organizations wanting to support this effort.
Cherow-O’Leary, Dr. Renee
Education for the 21st Century, New York and Los Angeles based
Stage: Active Aging activities in place
I am an educator, writer, and group facilitator in Communications and Culture and have extensive background in Jewish learning and interfaith leadership. I am part of the team that developed LabShul's program for older adults called GENerate. I have also taught at the Marlene Meyerson JCC in Manhattan at the Wechsler Center on Modern Aging (Interdisciplinary Views of Aging) and led several Wise Aging groups. I am available to work with teams of creators of new programming or conduct research for deeper understanding of the needs of aging cohorts. My Linked In profile is