Active Aging Organizations and Leadership
Developing programming or looking for assistance to help you get started in active aging? We’re here for you! Browse our directory below.
Kurss, Robin
Buffalo Jewish Federation
Director of Jewish Experience
Contact: (716) 570-0842 and
Wernick, Shelley
Jewish Federations of North America, Center on Holocaust Survivor Care and Institute on Aging and Trauma
Stage: Active Aging activities in place
The Center on Holocaust Survivor Care and Institute on Aging and Trauma (The Center) advances person-centered, trauma-informed (PCTI) care for Holocaust survivors, older adults with a history of trauma, and their family caregivers.The PCTI approach infuses knowledge about trauma into organization programs, policies, and procedures to promote the safety and well-being of clients, visitors, staff, and volunteers.
Cohen, Marla
Jewish Federation of El Paso and Las Cruces
Stage: Looking at options / planning
We have so little to support/prepare for our older adults.
Contact: (303) 888-9631 &
Leff, Marion
Jewish Federation of the Sacramento Region
Stage: Looking at options / planning
We have a minuscule Jewish Family Services under the Federation umbrella, but are anticipating significant opportunity to grow in the next year. Now in the midst of a Jewish Community Study-last one done 30 years ago. Hopefully we will be building new services and we highly suspect senior needs will be high on priority list.I am a board member and JFS is my focus.
Contact: (916) 531-8305 &
Weller, Kayleh Levy
UJA Federation
Stage: Active Aging activities in place
Lead staff on all UJA Federation NY aging efforts.
Glass, Amy
Jewish Philanthropies of Southern Arizona
Stage: Active Aging activities in place
I lead our community planning efforts to meet the needs of older adults in our Southern Arizona community. I was also instrumental in establishing the collaboration between 4 Jewish organizations that support older adults that formed AgeWell Atlanta.
Contact: & (520) 647-8445
Otis, Joshua
UJA Federation of Greater Toronto
Stage: Looking at options / planning
Our organization is the Jewish Federation for the Greater Toronto Area. We are involved in aging-related programs as a funder and community partner. We're now setting our sights on developing an aging-friendly community strategy and are looking on deepening our impact in this area.
Contact: & (416) 635-2883
Marlowe, Marian Garber
Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ
Stage: Active Aging activities in place
CARES is the department of the Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ that focuses on our community’s older adults. It convenes 11 local partners that serve older adults and their families, stays attuned to needs and trends, and augments services. CARES believes that older adults should be considered contributing members of our community, rather than only the recipient of services, and that older adults are individuals – just as people of all ages are -- with a range of interests.
Contact: & (973) 929-3051
Schneider, Melanie
UJA Federation of New York
Stage: Looking at options / planning
UJA is planning for and supporting a cross divisional initiative for active older adults focused on offering compelling options, experiences and community in the New York suburbs.
Rothstein, Caron
Jewish Federation of Greater Portland
Stage: Looking at options / planning
We are exploring issues of active aging, aging in general and volunteer engagement.
Interested in Encore careers to engage semi-retired/retired pros in amplifying the work of our Jewish organizations, bringing models successful in other demographics (e.g. OneTable, Moishe House) to our active adult community and enticing funders and organizations to invest time, effort and resources in this vibrant population
Schnaar, Ashley
Senior Planning Associate at Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit
We are exploring issues of active aging, aging in general and volunteer engagement.