
Active Aging Organizations and Leadership

Developing programming or looking for assistance to help you get started in active aging? We’re here for you! Browse our directory below.

Synagogue Francisca Li Synagogue Francisca Li

Hyatt, Joel

Valley Beth Shalom Hazak Program

Stage: Active Aging activities in place

Valley Beth Shalom (VBS) Hazak is a Jewish community of seniors dedicated to lifelong education and enrichment. ( In its 23rd year, VBS Hazak is focused on four pilars:

Lifelong Learning – Rich array of programs, including Hazak Mondays, Lunch and Learn, small discussion groups, classes, movies

Building Relationships and Connections – Social time, Hazak Shabbat dinners, small groups

Service, Sharing, Caring – Volunteer activities with Hazak, Early Childhood Center, VBS Schools, Food Bank, Homelessness Task Force

Active, Positive Aging – Healthy living programming, Walk with the Rabbi

Contact: (626) 660-8444 and JOEL.D.HYATT@GMAIL.COM

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Solkin, Mindy

BB Babes, The Fashion, Fitness, and Health Network for Baby Boomer Women

Stage: Active Aging activities in place

BB Babes is a tribute to women who were born between 1946 and 1964, and who want to look and feel their best at every age. We offer services in Fashion Styling, Fitness Classes, and Health Coaching, both in-person and virtually, for groups and individuals.

Our goal is to shine light on the generation of baby boomer women to empower them to embrace their unique style and to lead healthy, active lives.

For more info:

Contact: (917) 523-9297 and

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Synagogue Francisca Li Synagogue Francisca Li

Levin, Robert

Congregant, Beth Chaim Reform Congregation, Malvern (metro Phila), PA

Stage: Looking at options / planning

Beth Chaim Reform Congregation is a medium-sized, cross-generational community and is the only Reform congregation in Chester County, PA. We have several special-interest groups that attract loyal followings, often within generation-specific cohorts but can also be cross-generation. Our much-loved Rabbi is Michelle Pearlman. Rabbi Pearlman invited me to attend this conference and bring some of its wisdom back to the community.

Contact: (484) 924-8095 &

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Elkodsi, Susan

Malverne Jewish Center

Stage: Active Aging activities in place

I'm the rabbi of a tiny synagogue, average age 80. I want to offer meaningful programming, create community and also promote my own work helping baby boomers and older Jewish adults create meaning and purpose in their lives in a Jewish context.

Contact: (203) 332-4428 &

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Cohen, Elaine R. S.

Congregation Beth Sholom, Teaneck, NJ

Stage: Looking at options / planning

Two volunteers (a retired psychotherapist and a retired educator) have been leading Wise Aging groups for several years. One group has continued to meet monthly after the completion of the initial course of 9 sessions for 7 years. The newer group has chosen to continue meeting on a monthly basis as well. Based on the book "Wise Aging" by Rabbi Rachel Cowan z"l and Dr. Linda Thal, the reflective discussions promote active, non-judgmental listening and building resilience as we become elders. Adult Ed programs of the shul are multi-generational. There tends to be self-segregation into age cohorts when we have Shabbat dinners at the synagogue. We want to expand and develop more resources and programs and will avail ourselves of the Active Aging Network going forward.

Contact: (201) 747-8423 &

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Synagogue Francisca Li Synagogue Francisca Li

Bram, Debbie

Congregation Shaare Emeth

Stage: Active Aging activities in place

1600 family Reform congregation. Active Baby Boomer program for the last 7 years. Wise Aging classes for the last 12 years.

Contact: & (314) 692-5308

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Lasker, Jill

Chai Neighbors

Stage: Active Aging activities in place

We are a community for people 65 and older, created by 2 synagogues, Adat Ari El and Temple Beth Hillel. Our mission is to help people live well within a community of friends, while fostering caring and Jewish values. We offer many classes and activities, taught and led mostly by people in our community. Our goal is to keep our minds and bodies active and offer help to those who need it. We are not a place to live, rather, we want to help people stay in place if they want to.

Contact: & (818) 445-8817

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Geber, Sara Zeff


Stage: Active Aging activities in place

I lead discussion and planning groups on Solo Aging. The groups can be synagogue based, JCC-based, Village-based, or general community-based. I define Solo Agers as anyone, married or single, who has no adult children AND those who are aging alone for other reasons without the support of nearby family. Among baby boomers, the percentage of Solo Agers is more than double what it has been for all previous generations. Planning for support and care in later life is necessary for all of us, but critical for Solo Agers. & (408) 355-0101

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Graver, Janee


Stage: Active Aging activities in place

GENerate is a year-long coming of age experience for adults who wish to learn, grow, and share in community with others in a similar phase of their lives. GENerate provides a nurturing, inclusive space for a select cohort of curious adults to study and celebrate life together. Participants will search and, perhaps, reaffirm their values, actualize life lessons, and define their personal legacies. Through Lab/Shul’s renowned Storahtelling curriculum, participants will become their own storytellers, marking and sharing meaningful moments and transitions. & (732) 241-4557

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Cherow-O’Leary, Dr. Renee

Education for the 21st Century, New York and Los Angeles based

Stage: Active Aging activities in place

I am an educator, writer, and group facilitator in Communications and Culture and have extensive background in Jewish learning and interfaith leadership. I am part of the team that developed LabShul's program for older adults called GENerate. I have also taught at the Marlene Meyerson JCC in Manhattan at the Wechsler Center on Modern Aging (Interdisciplinary Views of Aging) and led several Wise Aging groups. I am available to work with teams of creators of new programming or conduct research for deeper understanding of the needs of aging cohorts. My Linked In profile is & (646) 932-2818

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Synagogue, Cultural Christy Price Synagogue, Cultural Christy Price

Krame, Evan

The Jewish Studio

Stage: Active Aging activities in place

Co-creator of the Jewish Studio to engage adults in joyful and meaningful Jewish experiences. Our events are designed with the empty nester and baby boomer demographic in mind. In addition to religious services, we bring our cohort together for community service projects, theater outings, hikes, and social events.

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