
Active Aging Organizations and Leadership

Developing programming or looking for assistance to help you get started in active aging? We’re here for you! Browse our directory below.

Jewish Thought or Practice Christy Price Jewish Thought or Practice Christy Price

Address, Richard

Founder-Director: Jewish Sacred Aging®

Stage: Active Aging activities in place

I welcome contacts, especially with congregations and organizations, on learning how Jewish texts and traditions can impact the revolution in longevity. We have our web site: and we host the weekly Seekers of Meaning podcasts that focus on issues of aging, spirituality, families and community. They are accessed on the web site and on the Jewish Sacred Aging Facebook page. & (856) 430-0678

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Travel Christy Price Travel Christy Price

Ginsberg, Johanna

Finding North LLC

Stage: Active Aging activities in place

Finding North is an immersive learning adventure integrating Jewish wisdom, slow travel, and the power of Midrash—Jewish storytelling. Part retreat, part summer camp, part creative workshop, it’s a program of discovery and self-reflection in Haifa. Two-week and month-long options available.

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Consulting Christy Price Consulting Christy Price

Himmelfarb, Stuart

Co-founder and CEO of B3 The Jewish Boomer Platform and of the Active Aging Network. A veteran marketer, copywriter and researcher with experience on Madison Avenue and with Jewish organizations. Connect with me at to learn about the Network or to compare notes on active aging.

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Consulting Christy Price Consulting Christy Price

Elcott, David Ph.D.

Co-founder and partner at B3 The Jewish Boomer Platform and of the Active Aging Network. A social scientist, activist and researcher – with deep experience exploring aging. Connect with me at to learn about the Network or to compare notes on active aging.

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