
Active Aging Organizations and Leadership

Developing programming or looking for assistance to help you get started in active aging? We’re here for you! Browse our directory below.

Jewish Community Center Christy Price Jewish Community Center Christy Price

Lechter, Susan

The Wechsler Center for Modern Aging at the Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan

Stage: Active Aging activities in place

The Wechsler Center for Modern Aging reimagines older adulthood in a Jewish communal setting as a time of expansive possibility, purpose, community engagement, mutual support, and blessing. We envision an engaged and connected cohort of older adults who find deep meaning in community, are treasured by the broader Jewish community for their wisdom, and will develop the tools and attitudes to successfully transition through life as they age. Elements in the Wechsler Center include a focus on research and best practices in the field, a deepening and expansion of volunteer leadership engagement, broadening of the JCC's Caring Initiative aimed at supporting our older adults as they age in place, and a permanent virtual center encompassing programming, fostering social connections, and poised to embark on new innovations. & (646) 505-4412

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Other Jewish Agencies/Organizations Christy Price Other Jewish Agencies/Organizations Christy Price

Levav, Rabbi Melanie

Shomer Collective

Stage: Aging program in place

The mission of Shomer Collective is to improve end-of-life experiences for individuals and their families— inspired by Jewish wisdom, values, and practices—by curating content and resources and building a diverse network of organizational partners. We offer virtual Advance Care Planning within a Jewish framework, and concierge services around all things Jewish and end-of-life. Our website includes resources and articles to support you.

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Graver, Janee


Stage: Active Aging activities in place

GENerate is a year-long coming of age experience for adults who wish to learn, grow, and share in community with others in a similar phase of their lives. GENerate provides a nurturing, inclusive space for a select cohort of curious adults to study and celebrate life together. Participants will search and, perhaps, reaffirm their values, actualize life lessons, and define their personal legacies. Through Lab/Shul’s renowned Storahtelling curriculum, participants will become their own storytellers, marking and sharing meaningful moments and transitions. & (732) 241-4557

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Inter- or Co-Generational Christy Price Inter- or Co-Generational Christy Price

Mikluch, Alisha

Opening the Dor program at Honeycomb

Stage: Active Aging activities in place

Launched in 2020, the Opening the Dor initiative from Honeycomb is an intergenerational giving experience that connects teens and seniors through philanthropy, identity, storytelling and heritage.

Selected organizations receive training, resources and funding from Honeycomb to launch this exciting program.

This program was made possible with the generous support of The Sephardic Foundation On Aging. & (718) 637-9480

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Schneider, Melanie

UJA Federation of New York

Stage: Looking at options / planning

UJA is planning for and supporting a cross divisional initiative for active older adults focused on offering compelling options, experiences and community in the New York suburbs. & (646) 643-9184

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Cherow-O’Leary, Dr. Renee

Education for the 21st Century, New York and Los Angeles based

Stage: Active Aging activities in place

I am an educator, writer, and group facilitator in Communications and Culture and have extensive background in Jewish learning and interfaith leadership. I am part of the team that developed LabShul's program for older adults called GENerate. I have also taught at the Marlene Meyerson JCC in Manhattan at the Wechsler Center on Modern Aging (Interdisciplinary Views of Aging) and led several Wise Aging groups. I am available to work with teams of creators of new programming or conduct research for deeper understanding of the needs of aging cohorts. My Linked In profile is & (646) 932-2818

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Federation Christy Price Federation Christy Price

Rothstein, Caron

Jewish Federation of Greater Portland

Stage: Looking at options / planning

We are exploring issues of active aging, aging in general and volunteer engagement.

Interested in Encore careers to engage semi-retired/retired pros in amplifying the work of our Jewish organizations, bringing models successful in other demographics (e.g. OneTable, Moishe House) to our active adult community and enticing funders and organizations to invest time, effort and resources in this vibrant population & (503) 245-6449

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Cultural, Inter- or Co-Generational Christy Price Cultural, Inter- or Co-Generational Christy Price

Allmayer, Ariella


Stage: Looking at options / planning

OneTable encourages Jewish young adults to explore the celebration and enduring practice of Friday night Shabbat dinner as an opening to Jewish meaning, joy, and connection. Since 2014, more than 180,000 people have made indelible connections at over 80,000 OneTable Shabbat dinners.

We will begin piloting “Together @OneTable”. This new offering would expand our brand and allow us to test the platform (i.e. Shabbat dinners) with older adults, a population that tends to be overlooked by Jewish engagement efforts, though they need ways to connect just as much as young adults.

Feel free to reach out to if you are interested in testing this out in your community!

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Synagogue, Cultural Christy Price Synagogue, Cultural Christy Price

Krame, Evan

The Jewish Studio

Stage: Active Aging activities in place

Co-creator of the Jewish Studio to engage adults in joyful and meaningful Jewish experiences. Our events are designed with the empty nester and baby boomer demographic in mind. In addition to religious services, we bring our cohort together for community service projects, theater outings, hikes, and social events.

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