
Active Aging Organizations and Leadership

Developing programming or looking for assistance to help you get started in active aging? We’re here for you! Browse our directory below.

Jewish Community Center Francisca Li Jewish Community Center Francisca Li

Goldman, Gina

JCC Metrowest

Stage: Active Aging activities in place

Jewish Community Center with an Adult Enrichment Program, Memory Center (day Program for those with mild to moderate impairment), fitness Center, Life Long Learning, and Cultural Arts. We also do many overnight trips to domestic an worldwide destinations and we have quite a big following of travelers.

Contact: & (973) 530-3448

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Cultural Francisca Li Cultural Francisca Li

Shoss, Deanna

Grandparents Unleashed

Stage: Active Aging activities in place

Active-ager Jerry Witkovsky and his creative partner, Deanna Shoss are authors of the book, Where Two Worlds Meet: A Guide to Connecting with Your Teenage Grandchildren, and creators of the Prompt-a-Memory Story Cards. Their work is to drive intergenerational connection through storytelling and approaches to entering each other's world and bringing families together across the generations, with expertise in grandparents and family dynamics, and intercultural/intergenerational communications.

Contact: & (773) 968-1216

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Jewish Community Center Francisca Li Jewish Community Center Francisca Li

Fruchtman, Jordan

Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center, San Diego

Stage: Active Aging activities in place

The Lawrence Family JCC offers a plethora of active aging programs. We have a particular focus on health and holistic wellbeing including physical activities, personal training, mindfulness, and nutrition. We recently launched the Retirement Academy, a 10-week cohort based experience guided by Jewish values in which folks who have recently retired cultivate a sense of purpose while building community.

Contact: & (858) 362-1123

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Synagogue Francisca Li Synagogue Francisca Li

Bram, Debbie

Congregation Shaare Emeth

Stage: Active Aging activities in place

1600 family Reform congregation. Active Baby Boomer program for the last 7 years. Wise Aging classes for the last 12 years.

Contact: & (314) 692-5308

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Federation Francisca Li Federation Francisca Li

Glass, Amy

Jewish Philanthropies of Southern Arizona

Stage: Active Aging activities in place

I lead our community planning efforts to meet the needs of older adults in our Southern Arizona community. I was also instrumental in establishing the collaboration between 4 Jewish organizations that support older adults that formed AgeWell Atlanta.

Contact: & (520) 647-8445

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Gerhardt, Ailene

Independent Board Certified Patient Advocate, Certified Senior Advisor, Solo Aging Educator

Beacon Patient Solutions LLC & Navigating Solo Network

Stage: Looking at options / planning

I am a former Jewish Communal professional now independent patient advocate who offers an array of community education programs and groups ranging from navigating the health care system, patient safety and patient's rights, the unique needs of solo aging, planning for solo aging and more. You can view the list here I have partnered with synagogues and Jewish organizations and am interested in ways to connect with organizations to further the reach of my work! As my advocacy practice has evolved, I have developed a specialty working with solo agers (an adult 55+ who, because of choice or circumstance, are without the support of adult children or close family members). In the fall of 2021, I launched the Navigating Solo Network: The Path to Dynamic Solo Aging Starts Here™ ( which includes a national website, a growing network of members, and an online clearinghouse featuring resources specifically for Solo Agers.

Contact: & (617) 651-2140

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Lasker, Jill

Chai Neighbors

Stage: Active Aging activities in place

We are a community for people 65 and older, created by 2 synagogues, Adat Ari El and Temple Beth Hillel. Our mission is to help people live well within a community of friends, while fostering caring and Jewish values. We offer many classes and activities, taught and led mostly by people in our community. Our goal is to keep our minds and bodies active and offer help to those who need it. We are not a place to live, rather, we want to help people stay in place if they want to.

Contact: & (818) 445-8817

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Federation Francisca Li Federation Francisca Li

Otis, Joshua

UJA Federation of Greater Toronto

Stage: Looking at options / planning

Our organization is the Jewish Federation for the Greater Toronto Area. We are involved in aging-related programs as a funder and community partner. We're now setting our sights on developing an aging-friendly community strategy and are looking on deepening our impact in this area.

Contact: & (416) 635-2883

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Federation Francisca Li Federation Francisca Li

Marlowe, Marian Garber

Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ

Stage: Active Aging activities in place

CARES is the department of the Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ that focuses on our community’s older adults. It convenes 11 local partners that serve older adults and their families, stays attuned to needs and trends, and augments services. CARES believes that older adults should be considered contributing members of our community, rather than only the recipient of services, and that older adults are individuals – just as people of all ages are -- with a range of interests.

Contact: & (973) 929-3051

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Rotman, Reuben

Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies

Stage: Active Aging activities in place

The Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies is an international membership association composed of 165 non-profit human service agencies in the United States, Canada, and Israel. The Network’s mission is to advance the Jewish human service sector through advocacy, best practices, innovation, and partnerships.

Our members are nonprofit agencies that provide a wide range of human services for the Jewish community and beyond, including health care, career, employment, and mental health services, as well as programs for youth, families and seniors, Holocaust survivors, immigrants, and refugees, persons with disabilities and caregivers. Network member agencies provide comprehensive care for individuals and families at all income levels and of all faiths with a special focus on serving older adults and those struggling with financial insecurity. Older adults and caregivers constitute more than 60% of Network member agencies’ client base. & (201) 977-2423

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Reid, Sarah

Jewish Grandparents Network

Stage: Active Aging activities in place

Please join us for a fun hands-on workshops with master theater arts educators like Jonathan Shmidt Chapman who present a range of activities that use creativity, drama, and play to activate Passover with children ages 3–8 as well as other holidays during the year.

Grandparents and families enjoyed Jonathan's brand-new and easy-to-follow Passover Discovery Kit, available to download for free this year from the Jewish Grandparents Network website.

Activities in the Passover workshop included ideas to bring the Seder to life — build Ancient Egypt out of matzah; design a scavenger hunt to find the afikoman; and explore the role of women in the Passover story. We will also include ways to use these resources on FaceTime or Zoom for grandparents at a distance.

Sign up even if you can’t make the date and we’ll send you the recording:

And keep an eye out for more great activities and programs! Visit or email me at

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Geber, Sara Zeff


Stage: Active Aging activities in place

I lead discussion and planning groups on Solo Aging. The groups can be synagogue based, JCC-based, Village-based, or general community-based. I define Solo Agers as anyone, married or single, who has no adult children AND those who are aging alone for other reasons without the support of nearby family. Among baby boomers, the percentage of Solo Agers is more than double what it has been for all previous generations. Planning for support and care in later life is necessary for all of us, but critical for Solo Agers. & (408) 355-0101

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Consulting Francisca Li Consulting Francisca Li

Mintz, Sue


Stage: Active Aging activities in place

As a Certified Retirement Transition Coach, writer, workshop facilitator, and speaker, I offer individuals who are recently retired or plan to retire with 12 months a framework to follow when planning for the non-financial aspects of retirement. I do not offer financial advice. My clients will see retirement for what it truly is by going through a proven process that leads them to establish a variety of ways to remain healthy and active, and feel a sense of purpose and continuous fulfillment in this new phase of life. & (214) 676-1888

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Volunteer Francisca Li Volunteer Francisca Li

Gamoran, Marla

Skilled Volunteers for Israel

Stage: Active Aging activities in place

Skilled Volunteers for Israel is a US based nonprofit organization that offers "Volunteer in Israel" from home experiences through our flagship program, English B'Yachad. Prior to launching English B'Yachad, Skilled Volunteers for Israel provided volunteer experiences in Israel for North American Jewish retirees and have been working in the field since 2011. We have served over 500 Jewish retirees with meaningful volunteer experiences. & (608) 469-0458

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Schectman, Amy

2Life Communities

Stage: Active Aging activities in place

2Life’s mission is to ensure that all older adults have an opportunity to live a full life of connection and purpose by providing a dynamic, supportive environment on all our campuses. We focus on affordability and advocate for changing the national conversation to highlight the benefits of aging in community.

We operate 6 campuses with 1600 residents. Our traditional focus has been on subsidized housing; Recently we’ve broadened our focus to older adults in the market gap—between qualifying for subsidized housing and affording high-end offerings in the marketplace. Middle class seniors are the largest cohort nationally, and very much so in the Jewish community.

Opus, our moderate income community, has a foundational idea of a kibbutz. Everyone volunteers at least 10 hours/month to keep the community affordable and vibrant. Our first Opus shares a campus with the Jewish Community Centers of Greater Boston. & (617) 912-8401

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Ziegler, Christie

Kavod Senior Life

Stage: Active Aging activities in place

Kavod Senior Life is a vibrant, award-winning residential community for 400+ older individuals in Denver, Colorado, where active aging is a top priority. On campus, we engage residents with trips, activities, intergenerational programs, lifelong learning, health & wellness and other services that help older adults age well. Off campus, we provide monthly engagement programs in collaboration with neighboring Jewish and secular organizations to serve older individuals living at home. These programs include informational, educational and entertaining content, as well as an annual positive aging conference with a keynote speaker, breakout sessions and lunch. More information can be found at & (720) 382-7805

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